Come on! Come on!
Come on! Come on! is a new art show about moving and dreaming beyond our street. After shelter-in-place has been lifted, where do you want to go? The children of my apartment complex have been asked to draw or paint the places they most want to go, once travel is allowed again. Is it Tahiti or your favorite town park? A road trip or just a trip to the store? Centered on the dynamic and detailed RV drawings of Julian, this exhibit takes you through the traveling dreams of our youngest tenants.
This is a virtual exhibit, since we are currently under a shelter-in-place order. If you live in Ryland Mews, do please come see the exhibit, but only come one unit at a time.
This video is for non-commercial purposes and uses "Mr. Blue Sky" by ELO. I hope that is ok Jeff Lynne.
Where do we want to go?