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100 DAY PROJECT : Object Bank
April - July 2019
The 100 Day Project was started in 2013 on Instagram and is pretty simple: choose something to do, do it for 100 days. I am doing one alternative finger each day. Some are finger puppets, some are parts of gloves, some are just plain odd. My object word bank for creating conglomerate installations was running low, and this is my way of filling the tank. After 100 days I'll have created new shapes and fed my need for play. It also helps that I lost a WHOLE NAIL on my left hand in a surfing accident, so I have a way to cover it up while it heals.
I made it through 72 days, which is better than the 12 days I've managed before!
Check me out on Instagram and look up #100DayProject.
100 Day Project : Finger Fashion: Project
100 Day Project : Finger Fashion: Gallery
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